Current Issues, Newsletters Environment, Lake Agawam New Development, ARB, Variances Village Meeting

Update & Board meeting Videos on Gin Lane and Mocomanto building projects

On July 24th 24/28 Gin Lane was again discussed at the ARB meeting.   It was adjourned until August 14  for further certification from the building inspector and time to research grading, receive clarification on retaining wall, and any open questions on septic, retaining walls, backfill and height.

24/28 Gin Lane proposal comments start at 3:56 on the video.

On July 27, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) met and  472 First Neck Lane, Mocomanto was again discussed.
(Part 1 of the 7/27/17 ZBA meeting video)
The application was held open until the August 24th meeting.