Southampton Town

Important Village Meetings in August – see dates

A special public hearing with the Planning Commission will be held on August 12th to discuss the plans for a sewer district.  This project will have significant environmental and tax implications for our village, so please try and attend.
The critical upcoming Village meetings currently scheduled are:
August 10 – 7:00pm ARB – A project in the Herrick Road Historic District (major addition and exterior changes to existing historic house) and tear downs on Old Town Crossing, Wooley Street and Corrigan Street will be discussed.
August 12 – 5:00pm Special Public Hearing – Plans for a sewer district in the Village business center (and possibly neighboring areas) will be reviewed.  Tax levies will be discussed.
August 13 – 6:00pm Village Trustees – Discussion of FEMA code changes and village-wide review of GFA, lot coverage and parking issues.
Please make every effort to attend these meetings.  It is important that members of the public and the association provide feedback and view the process.  If you need more information on a particular topic, please do not hesitate to contact us.